Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Best Christmas Song Ever

I love playing songs for pre-schoolers. Here's how this classic went this week.

Rudolph the rednosed reindeer (DER!)
Had a very shiny nose ( lye-bull)
and if you ever saw it (saw ih)
You would even say it glows (lye-BUL)

All of the other reindeer (DEER)
Used to laugh and call him names (spiderman)
They never let poor rudolph (spiderman)
join in any reindeer games (spiderman)

Then one foggy Christmas eve
santa came to say (spiderman)

I think you get the point, right?
Mitchell, the little boy who came up with this, said spiderman each time like he was trying to subliminally tell me what he wanted for Christmas. It was Hilarious. I had to start over a number of times, I was laughing so hard.


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