Thursday, October 16, 2008

Return of a classic

When I first displayed this to friends and fellow musicians, it was met with various responses. Some call it the Abraham Lincoln. Some call it the Amish grandmother (think Kingpin). I call it the chinstrap. I loved my grizzly adams. I will probably return to it in the very near future. But for now, I'm rocking the chinstrap.

I regret my decision.

I really thought

So I really thought that Obama comment would get something in the way of comments. So on that note...I think everyone should cook and eat a puppy. Use a little crisco and some buttermilk and fry that sucker up. Try some cayenne to give it that little extra puppy goodness.

Ok, that might be a little much.

I don't really have anything else to blog about...maybe later.

Monday, October 13, 2008 obsession

We've gotten U-verse by AT&T. People...this is how television was meant to be watched. IT helps if it's on a 46" LCD HDTV. While watching one show (in HD) I can browse other channels. Not just the title, as is such in...ahem...lesser cable providers. But a little window pops up and shows you the show at that moment and tells you how many minutes are left in the show.
Then there's the DVR. Holy Cow! With the fastforwarding and the pausing. The best part of this is that once we record a show, we can watch it in ANY room in the house. It's amazing.
Hang on...let me pause heroes (in HD) to think.

While all these features are really cool, this adds to an almost cocaine-like addiction to TV. I get into shows like no one else I know. I laugh out loud as if I was a singular laugh-track, holy crap peter just broke sylar's neck.
See what I mean? An obsession.

And I think I might vote for Obama. You know...first black president and all.

Friday, October 10, 2008

New Job

So I have a new job that could turn into, albeit reluctantly, a fruitful career. 4 days a week I go into preschools and sing songs for kids ranging in age from 18mths to 5 years old. This job is awesome. AWESOME! Let me give you a lyrical sampling of what I throw down.

What do you do if your clothes catch fire?

Then there are variations...pants, shirt, jacket, etc.
Another song we sang yesterday has these gems.

Pumpkin, Pumpkin, round and fat
Turn into a jack-o-lantern just like that.

That's actually the whole song. No verse, chorus, verse, chorus, bridge, chorus, chorus. Just chorus...or verse...I'm not sure which one that is given that the song has no other parts with which to relate.

The best part about this job that I have is the things the kids say. They're just learning to count and days and months and such. Here are a few quotes.

me: Who can tell me what month this is?
darling girl: September
me: that was last month, what comes after September?
young whipper snapper: TUESDAY!

me: who can tell me what happens at the end of October?
boy: Thursday!

Generally these kids answer in days of the week. They get the month every now and then, but generally, they're, no physicists or neurosurgeons here.

This is a great job. It goes by quick and the money is decent. Beats the crap out of working at a call center. I know I won't be here forever, but it's going to be a blast while I'm here.