Because of Your Love
Often when we read through the scriptures, the voice in our...well, My head takes on the form of a boring old pastor who's zeal for life equals my zeal for athletic activity. I read and it's just words on a page. BUt I found that if I engage...if I think about what my Savior has done for me and what He is doing in me right now, then my heart starts to overflow with gratitude and affection for Him. Then Romans, which i've read a gazilion times with no real thought about it, it becomes this earnest letter from a man who's affections for Christ are overflowing onto a page, you know? The angst behind Pauls words becomes more and more apparent. Paul knows the greatest thing is CHrist and knows that you need to know it, too. Jeremiah calls it "fire, shut up in my bones" It's got to come out. LEt your affections for Christ come out today, Jon. Live a life worthy of the grace you have been given. Because of Christ's love for You, jon, be the best.
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