Thursday, September 11, 2008

Poor old Luke

I was thinking about overcoming adversity yesterday. People who've had just really crappy family situations and yet have come through, nay SUCCEEDED! No one personifies this more...than Luke Skywalker. Let's recap his life.
-Born a twin to a mother who singlehandedly caused the rise of the empire.
-Father was a burn victim who abused his mother and tried to kill him on numerous occasions
-Father sliced off his hand and killed his mentor
-Father created massive doomsday device and obliterated planets

yet Luke, against all odds, rises in wisdom and power to overthrow the evil sith lord and provide a path of redemption for his Father. What a trooper.
I had a lot of time to think about that yesterday.


Blogger Brandi said...


11:28 PM

Blogger Athan said... a horse

10:07 AM


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