I can't believe it
So I can't believe I"m here. Using valuable company resources to type this blog. I have recently found employment at bartos industries. I'm eventually going to sell heating and air conditioning parts and units. Seriously in the rat race. I can't believe I'm here...and I mean that in a bad way.
By now I was supposed to be playing music for a living. DOn't get me wrong, I'm glad I have this job and I'm sure it will provide all I need for my family. I just thought I'd be doing something else entirely. I know what God's trying to teach me, though. That my relationship with Him is far more important than what I do for Him, if that makes sense. He's teaching me responsibility. and I hate it. BUt I know I'll be better for it and my wife will respect me more for it and my kids won't go hungry.
but I'm still trying out for American Idol next year. No matter what.